Trypogen is an object generator plugin that creates abstract geometry from objects in Cinema 4D. You can create interesting organic looks with your objects within seconds. With it’s various modes and input sliders you can easily tweak the results to get a wide range of meshes options.
Trypogen Core Features
- Update to work with the latest version of Cinema 4D (R26)
- Create complex meshes out of any polygon or primitive object
- 15 different object types to transform your model with
- Simplified menu system with powerful controls to tweak details
- Easily create endless variations of your mesh
Compatible with Cinema 4D R20-2024
Create unique looks based on simple or complex geometry. Trypogen will take your models core mesh and transform it into an organic structure instantly!

With five core mesh modes, five subdivision settings and numerous parameters to tweak the mesh you will be sure to find a look that suits your taste.
Take the mesh a step further and add the Voronoi Fracture object to the mix to add structure to the inside of the object. You can use this with all the usual Mograph Effectors to take the complexity to another level.

Will Trypogen work with R25? THanks.
Is it compatible with cinema 4d R25 ?
I bought this plug-in 1 week ago, so i supose it will work ????
Hi, Trypogen 2.0 is out and ready for R25!
Hi Philip, Trypogen 2.0 is out and ready for R25!
Love the plugin. But an update for R25 would be nice! 🙂
Hi Johnny, Trypogen 2.0 is out and ready for R25!
will Trypogen work with r26?
Hi, Trypogen 2.0 is compatible with R26.
Topofomer for R26, please~~~~~
Hi Amy, it is available for R26 and the latest C4D 2023 version