It’s that time of the year, a new release of C4D and another identical version-less Cinema 4D icon fills your dock. But not anymore! We’ve released a pack of icons that will let you differentiate the version easily!

We’ve got icons from version R22 to the current R2023.2. Each version includes a team render icon as well as an Alpha Pixel recoloring to breathe some new life into the old blue balls you’re used to. There is a separate folder for Windows(.ico) and Mac(.icns) icons.

Icons for versions R22/S22, R23, S24/R24, R25, R26, 2023, and the current 2023.2

Be sure to check out the Adobe Apps Icon Pack too!

To Install on Windows:

  1. Make a shortcut of your Cinema4d.exe file.
  2. Right Click > Properties.
  3. Under the Shortcut Tab you will see a “Change Icon” button.
  4. Then select “Browse” and find the .ico icon that matches your version.
  5. Now you can Drag your shortcut into your dock and delete the original.

To Install on Mac:

  1. Find your Cinema4D App Icon.
  2. Right click and “Get Info”.
  3. You will see the Cinema4D icon in the upper right. Drag the new .icns icon on top of it and it will change automatically.
  4. Now just drag into your dock.


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