Snap To Floor 1.3 Generator Plugin For Cinema 4D by Merk


Topoformer (aka Topology Deformer) is a groundbreaking deformer object plugin that alters the topology of your object based on a number of predefined algorithms in the plugin while still keeping your original geometry shape in tact. The plugin features plenty of options to tweak the way each topo type behaves all while in a procedural state.

Topoformer 2 UI

Topoformer Core Features

  • Completely change the topology of your polygon or primitive objects
  • Alter your meshes non-destructively
  • 15+ Topology types based on well-known artists styles
  • Effect multiple objects with the same deformer
  • Can be used with MoExtrude to give depth to your mesh
  • Color fragments individually
  • Use fields and effectors to gain greater control
  • Easily create endless variations of your topology procedurally
  • Compatible with Cinema 4D R23-2024


There are numerous topology algorithms built in that are based on popular looks from well know artists. Each look gives you very different results that you can then tweak within the plugin.

Topoformer 2.0 Merk
Topoformer Plugin by Merk for Cinema 4D


Drag and drop your MoExtrude deformer into the input field to create extrusions. You can also use effectors and fields within the MoExtrude to gain more control over how the extrusions are handled.


Utilizing the Colorizer and Mograph Color Shader you can individually color the extruded fragments of your topology with gradients.

Cinema 4D Viewport showing fragmented topology being colored randomly withe the Color Shader
Topoformer Plugin by Merk for Cinema 4D


Use the pen tool to draw where you want your topology to be effected to giving you full artistic control on how the final model looks.

Topoformer Plugin Type Options by Merk for Cinema 4D

Compatible with R23-2024

Developed By Merk Vilson

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    • Hi Fab, at the moment Merk plugins are not compatible with R23. Each page should have the versions each plugin is compatible with.

  1. Hi, I bought Topoformer on Gumroad. The Version is 1.1 and not compatible with C4D R21. You claim it is working from R15 to R22. Which exact version doyou have (1.2?). Can you help me out with an upgrade?

    • Hi Frank, that’s the first I’ve heard it didn’t work in R21. I tested it and it was working up to S22.
      Under the extensions tab>console>python does it say anything there?

      • HI Thanks for your answer. It was an issue with my 3d model / scenefile. I had to copy everything into a new scene and now it works.
        Sorry for bothering you!

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